Department of Science Service (DSS, Thailand)

The Department of Science Service is the government agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand. It was established in 1981. Currently, 454 permanent staff are working in various scientific fields such as materials science and engineering, chemical and biology analysis, food science, environmental science, robotic and automation systems.
The Division of Chemicals and Consumer Products is a third-party laboratory in the area of chemistry, chemical products, consumer products, and environment testing in accordance with relevant standards, regulations, rules, or customer requirements. The research and development aim to increase the testing capabilities and improve the quality and safety of products and the environment.
The Division of Business Development is the recently established division in DSS. The division’s duties are developing and seeking for business opportunities, marketing, building collaboration. In addition, the division is responsible for connecting Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) in order to develop the NQI system, and driving innovative products to market.
The Division of Engineering Materials is a third-party laboratory in the area of materials science and engineering, including glass, plastic, rubber, construction materials, pulp and paper, and advanced materials. The division’s duty is to provide testing services in accordance with relevant standards, regulations, rules, or customer requirements. The division also carrying out researches to develop innovative products, testing methods, and robotics and automation systems.


Jariyavadee Sirichantra
Jariyavadee SirichantraER - PhD
Amornpon Changsuphan
Amornpon ChangsuphanER - PhD
Jenjira Phuriragpitikhon
Jenjira PhuriragpitikhonER - PhD
Wachirapun Punkrawee
Wachirapun PunkraweeER - PhD
Nimit Palee
Nimit PaleeESR - BSc
Jirachatr Srisane
Jirachatr SrisaneESR - MSc
SusWater is a project funded by the European Union under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020
Project number: 101007578